Archived Agenda


Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Susan Brill, Chair

Joe McEachern

Greg Pearce

Thelma Tillis

Doris Corley

District 9

District 7

District 6

District 3

District 1

Thursday, February 5, 2004, 5:00 p.m.

Richland County Council Chambers

County Administration Building

2020 Hampton Street

Call to Order

Approval of Minutes –November 25, 2003: Regular Session Meeting (Pages 2 –3)

Adoption of Agenda

I. Items for Action

A. Request to Modify Existing Monitoring Wells at Owens Field Airport, and to Construct New Monitoring Wells at Owens Field Airport and Owens Field Park (Pages 4 –12)

B. SCDOT Easement: Farrow Road (Pages 13 –21)

C. Proposed Sale of Property Located at 5900 Garners Ferry Road (Pages 22 –24)

D. Rosewood Drive Improvement Project: Construction Bids Consideration (Pages 25 –28)

II. Items Pending Analysis

There are no items pending analysis.

III. Items for Information / Discussion

A. Ordinance Amendments: Floodplain Management: Language is being developed regarding these amendments. This issue will go the Planning Commission at a special-called meeting. (Information has not been received.)


Staffed by Roxanne Matthews